Our Founder

Katy Davison

Growing up in the piney woods of East Texas, you learn the ins and outs of southern hospitality, the biggest well known secret? Gifting. Learning from my mom that a well packaged gift basket will not only bring people joy, but also can get you out of a lot of sticky situations and its a great way to ask for forgiveness :) Every reason and every season.

Did I give gifts to boys in college to persuade them into making me their girlfriend? Yes, yes I did. Do I regret it? Meh, not really, I like to think of it as an internship into gifting. I got good at putting together luxury style gifts filled with unique customized and over the top items.

After a few years of working corporate jobs I figured why not do something I love and am really good at. That is how Provision Affaires was born into my 1952 garage. "Gifting Gone Wild" is how I like to describe this incredible and amazing company. Year one was a hard crazy ride , and I cannot wait to see what we do for the many years to come! "